Staff Development Day

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What I know:

  • Educators are human and have social emotional barriers just like the students they serve and the parents they interact with.
  • Educators get overwhelmed serving 25 plus students a day that’s dealing with social emotional barriers
  • Educators need an outlet to address the social emotional barriers they face
  • Educators would like to feel supported when addressing social emotional concerns
  • Educators need training on Emotional Intelligence to address the social emotional barriers they face in and out of school.
  • Since I know this, I decided to do something about it by partnering up with Never Personal Always Purpose to provide Emotional Intelligence Trainings to a Staff.  
  • Our GOAL is to provide a safe, fun, and interactive training that allows staff to release, redefine, realign, restore, rejuvenate, remember, and reinvent the way they address the social emotional barriers they face moving forward.

Let me tell you WHY this is so important

We have been in a pandemic for over a year. Teachers have been teaching from home and students have been learning from home. Everyone has been missing that social interaction that we all need. My Never Personal Always Purpose Training allows that social interaction to happen in a space that feels good.

What they will learn :

  • The 4-major keys to Emotional Intelligence
  • The 4 Key Secrets to Emotional Intelligence
  • Temperament Theory
  • How to Manage Their Emotions
  • How to Manage Their Reactions
  • When is the training provided:
  • Staff Development Day
  • Department Meetings

Congratulation!!! You just received a DISCOUNT COUPON

The Never Personal Always Purpose Training is a jam packed training that will give your staff the tools they need to manage their emotions and reaction at all times when addressing a student with social emotional barriers. Not only will your staff learn how to apply the strategies they learn at work, they will also be able to apply them to their personal life.

Click the "I WANT THIS" button to redeem the discount coupon giving you $500 off your first staff training.

I look forward to hearing from you soon to schedule a time and date that works best for your staff. 

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Staff Development Day

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